Sri Krishna Kathamrita
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
O Hari! Having captured my mind, please free from material bondage.
O Krishna ! Please attract my mind by pulling it to You.
O Hari ! Please capture my mind by Your unsurpassed sweetness.
O Krishna ! Please purify my mind with knowledge about devotional service given to me by Your own devotee.
O Krishna ! Please make me able to relish Your transcendental name, form, qualities, pastimes, etc. [ The next Krishna was missing from the translation ]
O Hari ! Please make me fit to serve You.
O Hari ! Please make me able to relish Your transcendental name, form, qualities, pastimes, etc.
O Hari ! Please direct me to do some particular service for You.
O Rama ! Let me hear about Your most cherished pastimes in the company of Your dearest devotees.
O Hara ( Radha ) ! Please reveal to me Your most cherished pastimes with Your beloved Sri Krishna.
O Rama ! Please reveal to me Your most cherished pastimes with Your beloved Radha.
O Rama ! Please engage me in remebering Your transcendental name, form, qualities, pastimes etc.
O Rama ! Please make me fit to serve You while remebering Your transcendental name, form, qualities, pastimes etc.
O Hari ! Having accepted me as one of Your own servitors, please enjoy me as You please.
O Hari ! Please enjoy me in Your transcendental way. This is my humble request at Your lotus feet.